Easter Resources
We have some special Easter-themed resources for your family to enjoy during this special season. Here’s a roundup of lessons and videos on the site.
Please note: The specific titles available each Easter season is subject to change.

Easter Videos for Kids

Easter Videos for Parents/Family

Behind the Easter Story: Join Mart DeHaan and Jimmy DeYoung as they retrace the footsteps of Jesus from His triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to His victorious resurrection on Easter morning. Using a remarkable limestone scale model of ancient Jerusalem, you’ll get a unique look at the city as it was 2,000 years ago. They’ll also visit historical locations in and around Jerusalem as you follow the path of Jesus step by step.

The Easter Experience: The Easter Experience brings the passion, and resurrection of Jesus to life through dramatic storytelling and challenging teaching done in a highly cinematic style. Through these in-depth teachings, your small group will grow spiritually, bonding with each other as well as with the eternal message of Easter.

Excavating the Evidence for Jesus: The Top-10 List for Easter explores the scripture, history, archaeology, and evidence for the ancient world surrounding the trial, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. If you have never viewed videos on RightNow Media, please visit our Video Library to get started. (Note: Scroll down below the Christmas series to view the Easter series.)

The Prayer of Gethsemane: On this Day of Discovery, visit the land of the Bible and one of the most well-known gardens in the world. We’ll reflect on the agony and a prayer offered there almost 2,000 years ago—a prayer that has echoed from this garden through history. Discover “The Prayer of Gethsemane.”

The Week That Changed The World: The resurrection happened. It’s not just the belief of Christians, it’s borne out by history, archaeology, and science. This documentary takes viewers step by step through the events of Holy Week—shedding light on the key players, unravelling the political intrigue, and answering longstanding questions about what happened, and why. Professor of ancient history and world-renowned expert Dr. Paul L. Maier details the story, along with maps, graphics, and remarkable dramatic re-creations to bring Holy Week alive in a whole new way. (worksheet included)

Easter-Themed Lessons
Adventures with Books
- Easter
Bible Adventures
- Betrayal of the King
- The Risen King (available in multiple languages)
Camping with Jesus
- Entire series
Classics-Based Writing
- Easter Wings
Everyday Easels
- Ascension of Christ by Benjamin West (5-day study)
- The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci (5-day study)
- The Crucifixion by Bartolomé Estebán Murillo (10-day study)
Kinetic Connections
- Easter
- Spring and Easter Teaching Opportunities
- Year One, Lesson Twenty-Four
- The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare
- Easter Celebration
Reader’s Theater
- Various poems
Studio Art for Teens
- The Sun/Son in Art
Unit Studies in Language Arts
- Children’s Literature for Life for The Bronze Bow