Scope and Sequence

For a guided tour of our Scope and Sequence, watch this video tutorial.
Are You Unsure What to Teach When?
We know that every homeschool family is unique. Some of you know exactly what you want to teach and when. If that describes you, the best place for you to find the courses that meet your goals is on the Browse by Grade or Browse by Subject menus. If you are unsure what to teach when, then this resource is for you. Our Scope & Sequence resource will show you the academic goals traditionally held for each grade level and where to find that information on as well as areas where you may wish to supplement.
Above all, please remember that one of the joys of homeschooling is not needing to be traditional in every area. You are welcome to use this resource as a tool, but please don’t ever make it a rigid set of rules to follow. You know your children best!
Please note the following important details:
- If you are looking for general grade ranges such as 4th-6th grade or high school, please view the Courses by Grade Levels chart. This is an excellent tool to help you identify which classes work well with multiple ages. It will also give you a bird’s eye view of the courses and content on
- You are never locked into a specific course or set of lessons. You may come and go in a course or change courses to best meet your family’s needs. The following charts are only meant to be a helpful resource, not a strict guide that must be followed. Flexibility is one of the joys of homeschooling, and we do not wish to limit that in any way.
- If you have questions about this page, please chat with us via the chat box or email
Scope and Sequence Charts
Please note: The academic goals presented here are NOT aligned with any specific set of regulations or guidelines (including Common Core). Each family must determine their own state’s requirements. This scope and sequence is simply an overview of topics generally studied arranged in a grade-by-grade format that shows where Schoolhouse Teachers classes most naturally fit.
A few more important details about these lists:
- Not included in this scope and sequence are our Bible classes, Foreign Languages, or classes for parents. Because many Bible classes cover a wide range of ages, we felt it best not to attempt to assign them specific grade levels.
- adds content to the site nearly every day. Because of that, it is impossible to keep these charts completely up to date. Beside each download below you’ll find a “last updated” notation that will also be on the download itself. This makes is super easy for you to tell at a glance whether there have been updates related to the grades or subjects you are using. Updates will also be mentioned periodically in our Facebook group and newsletter.
Download the complete Scope and Sequence here
or download just what you need for specific grade levels or subjects below.
Scope and Sequence by Grade
- Preschool (Last updated: 6/25/24)
- Kindergarten (Last updated: 6/25/24)
- 1st Grade (Last updated: 6/25/24)
- 2nd Grade (Last updated: 6/25/24)
- 3rd Grade (Last updated: 6/25/24)
- 4th Grade (Last updated: 6/25/24)
- 5th Grade (Last updated: 6/25/24)
- 6th Grade (Last updated: 6/25/24)
- 7th Grade (Last updated: 6/25/24)
- 8th Grade (Last updated: 6/25/24)
- 9th Grade (Last updated: 6/25/24)
- 10th Grade (Last updated: 6/25/24)
- 11th Grade (Last updated: 6/25/24)
- 12th Grade (Last updated: 6/25/24)
Scope and Sequence by Subject
- Art and Music (Last updated: 6/25/24)
- Bible (Last updated: 6/25/24)
- Computer and Technology (Last updated: 6/25/24)
- Drama and Speech (Last updated 6/25/24)
- Electives (Last updated: 6/25/24)
- English Language Arts (Last updated: 6/25/24)
- Geography (Last Updated: 6/25/24)
- Health (Last updated: 6/25/24)
- History (Last updated: 6/25/24)
- Math (Last updated: 6/25/24)
- Science (Last updated: 6/25/24)
- Social Studies (Last updated: 6/25/24)
- (Social Studies) Citizenship (Last updated: 6/25/24)
- (Social Studies) Economics (Last updated: 6/25/24)
Confused? Have questions? We’re here to help. Send us an email at or chat with us through the live chat in the lower right corner of your screen.