Recordkeeping with Applecore
What is Applecore, and how does it benefit members?
Click the video below to see what YOU as a member of this site will receive in addition to all the streaming videos and classes!

The Silver Plan Includes
- Course Tracker
- Grade Reporting
- Report Cards
- Portfolio
- Attendance
- Available to all members
The Gold Plan includes
- All of the Silver Plan Benefits
- Transcript feature
- Available to members with an annual membership*
Transcript – applecore sample*
Report Card – applecore sample
“Applecore is very easy to use and produces a report card and/or transcript for your student records. Just set up your student profile (one for each student) and click ‘add year’ (example: 9th grade). Click ‘add courses’ to start adding the courses your student is taking. There are dropdowns under general categories for selecting specific courses, so a quick click adds each course. For scheduling and indicating the duration of each class, you can select fall, spring, summer, or full year. As each course is completed, log in and enter the grade and the number of credits earned. You can print a report card if you wish, but I just kept saving the information and added new courses each year throughout the high school years. There are even dual enrollment options if your child is taking college courses during high school. Applecore calculates the cumulative average and credits, and when I had finished, I clicked ‘Transcript.’ After a few clicks, a document like the sample linked above was produced. I printed the transcript and put it in his diploma folder for reference.”
*The transcript feature is available only with Applecore gold memberships. ALL Schoolhouse members are eligible for a free silver membership, but those who purchase a 1-year membership are eligible for a free gold membership (code to upgrade is in your email when you pay the full-year price). Monthly members will see an option to upgrade at a discount when they register their Applecore account.
NOTE: All Applecore Gold memberships revert to the free Basic level on the one-year anniversary of the account (probably close to your yearly auto-renewal) so that Applecore can confirm your continued membership with Please contact Customer Service for instructions on how to have your Applecore Gold membership reinstated.
Instructions to register for your membership
You must be logged in to see these instructions.