World Book Online Resource Library

Check out the courses on by World Book Online here.
New to the World Book resources? Check out our tutorial video and the quick overview below.
We have separated the resources for you by Library, and by Grade and Subjects. World Book is separated into Libraries, and the eight Libraries we have access to are listed on the World Book Resources by Libraries page. We have also separated all the resources into grades and subjects. Those can be accessed on the World Book Resources by Grade and Subjects page. provides a subscription to numerous World Book libraries free of charge to our members. To get started, please log in and review the following instructions. Once you have logged in for the day, you will most likely NOT need to log in again for each resource.
- Several of the World Book libraries offer ways to personalize your material with an individual login. The login will ONLY work after you sign in through The additional personal login is completely optional. If you don't want to set one up, you do NOT need to. If you're interested in setting up places for students to store research, create unique timelines, bookmark resources, and more, you'll find instructions below. Once you have set up an account in one library, the same account should be able to be used in all the libraries that offer individual login options.
- The libraries that support individual logins are: eBooks, Timelines, Student, Advanced, and Discover.
- If you'd like instructions on how to set up an account and the advantages of doing so, click here.
- At the time our lessons were created, the included World Book articles and eBooks were thoroughly checked to make sure that they were appropriate for our purposes. World Book resources, however, are subject to change without notice and may differ from the original resources that were included in the lessons.
- It is very important to us at to provide you with content you can trust. Please note that we have NO control over World Book content. These resources must be treated like a public library; some of the content is appropriate, and others include content that may be opposed to your worldview. One topic that is referenced in many places throughout the World Book resources is the theory of evolution. If you are not sure what the evidences for a Christian creationist young-earth worldview are or are unsure how to explain them to your children, we encourage you to check out Dinosaurs and the Bible, Apologetics: Creation vs. Evolution, Creation Apologetics, and Creation Worldview or any number of the free articles and resources available on
- For our thoughts on specific books and series in the World Book eBook library, you can visit this page.
If you encounter any login issues or broken links from our courses, please contact us at and not World Book directly. World Book services thousands of customers with hundreds of different products, and we'll be able to either give you an answer immediately or address it to the right department within World Book. Thank you!
To learn more about World Book, visit the World Book Online Resource Library.
New to World Book?
Are you ready for:
- Images that stagger the imagination
- Videos that explain concepts
- Read-aloud options for your reluctant or struggling readers
- Games for the little ones
- Powerful research tools for your high schoolers
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the name World Book? A treasured set of encyclopedias on a bookshelf or at the library? Many of us have such sets, but have you seen how much World Book has grown over the last few decades with World Book Online?
World Book Online has the tens of thousands of expert-reviewed articles you expect, but today their libraries of content also include lesson plans, videos, primary source documents, research tools, games, and much more. has partnered with World Book to bring eight of these incredible libraries to you as part of your membership—at no extra cost. It’s all included in your monthly or yearly membership. Let me show you some of the highlights of these libraries, and then you can start exploring!

Early Learning
The Early Learning library is designed for preschool through second grade and includes colorful early readers with interactive games and puzzles, a visual encyclopedia, stories, nursery rhymes, songs, short videos, and extra printable activities. The stories are designed to be read by you or your child, and many include an option to have the story read to your child by the computer as he or she follows along.
- Welcome to Reading (early learner eBook series)
- Play (collection of early learner games on various subjects)
- Story Classics (stories, songs, and nursery rhymes with read-aloud option)
- Trek’s Travels (early readers with read-aloud option)
- Know It! (articles and resources on a variety of topics for early learners)
- Watch (videos for early learners on a variety of topics)
- Print and Do (printable activities)
Learn more about the Early Learning Library with these tutorials directly from World Book Online.

The Kids library is best suited for children in first to fifth grade. It has thousands of age-appropriate articles packed with vivid images, videos, interactive maps, and more; games and activities (many with lesson plans); dozens of science projects; research tools for learning more about animals and places; printable outline maps of countries and flags; webquests that can be completed on the World Book site; and much more.
- Articles and More
- Compare Places
- Games and Puzzles
- Outline Maps and Flags, Interactive Maps, and Atlas
- Webquests (within World Book)
- Science Projects
- World of Animals
- Important People (biographies of famous people)
- Kids’ Dictionary
- Additional Activities (including puzzles, crafts, and more)
Learn more about the Kids Library with these tutorials directly from World Book Online.

The Student library is designed for students in fifth to eighth grade. It includes more than 40,000 articles; a How to Do Research section; research tools for learning more about animals and places; biographies of important people that are searchable by name, time period, field of study, and other criteria; a Behind the Headlines feature that includes top news stories in an age-appropriate context; trivia quizzes; graphic organizers, and more.
- Articles and More
- Games and Puzzles
- Graphic Organizers
- Compare Places
- Biography Center
- Behind the Headlines
- Trivia Quizzes
- Interactive Maps and Atlas
- Webquests (within World Book)
- Research Tools (Dictionary, How To Do Research, and Citation Builder)
- View and Print in Open Dyslexic Font (Only available in the Student Library. Use the Settings icon to turn this feature on.)
Learn more about the Student Library with these tutorials directly from World Book Online.

The Advanced library is a powerful research tool for high schoolers and adults. Students have instant access to thousands of articles that can include maps, tables, sounds, images, videos and animations, Back in Time articles, special reports, websites, and resource guides depending on the topic; the Behind the Headlines feature; webquests and pathfinders designed to help students research various topics; an interactive atlas; the Teaching with Documents collection of more than one hundred short lessons based on primary sources; and much more.
- Articles and More
- Behind the Headlines
- Teaching with Documents (lessons for primary source materials)
- Pathfinders (research projects within the World Book libraries)
- World Book’s Today in History
- Research Tools (Dictionary and Citation Builder)
- Compare Places
- Interactive Maps and Atlas
- Webquests (within World Book)
- Additional Resources (government websites, resource guides, and world newspapers)
Learn more about the Advanced Library with these tutorials directly from World Book Online.

The eBook library contains hundreds of original World Book titles for all ages, exploring everything from bugs to biographies of famous men and women of history. There are books on animals, plants, history, science, social studies, and more. Log in to World Book and explore the eBooks library. In addition, you may view selected titles and further information at the links below.
- World Book Courses on
- eBook Library Overview (including notes on recommended titles)
- Special Collection of World Book eBooks
Learn more about the eBooks Library with these tutorials directly from World Book Online.

The Timelines library is a vast collection of more than 400 premade timelines and over 12,000 events that are invaluable for research. Students can create their own timelines, add events from the World Book library or create their own events, and fully customize this incredible resource.
Learn more about the Timelines Library with these tutorials directly from World Book Online.

The Discover library is designed for ESL students, reluctant readers, visual learners, and students with mild reading disabilities. The Find by Topic feature allows students to search for topics visually so it is more engaging with less reading. It also includes a visual dictionary of images with labels designed to increase vocabulary and a collection of more than 500 short videos answering popular questions about art, science, history, government, and more.
- Discover Library Overview
- World Book Explains videos
- Atlas
- Research Tools (How To Do Research with read-aloud option and Citation Builder)
Learn more about the Discover Library with these tutorials directly from World Book Online.

Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos
The Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos is a Spanish encyclopedia for Spanish-speaking students in kindergarten through fourth grade or Spanish language learners. It includes thousands of easy-to-read articles in Spanish packed with stunning illustrations, videos, and interactive maps that also link to the English version of the articles. It also has a special section about animals, brain teasers and activities, and a visual dictionary.

Research Center
Several of the World Book libraries also include a My Research feature that allows students to store books, websites, citations, articles, timelines, and countless other sources of information in a personalized area as they work on assignments. Students can even separate resources by which assignment they are needed for so they can work on multiple projects at once.

Bonus Resources
- Personalizing Your World Book Resources
- Scavenger Hunts
- Translate Articles (Use the Settings icon to select language.)