Preschool Playground

What should preschool at home look like? You’ll find as many answers to that question as you will parents who have asked it. There is not one “right” way to do preschool, but there are tools that can help you make the most out of this very special time in your child’s life. Here you will find a wealth of articles to help you determine what you want your preschool year to look like, fun tools, and academic resources you can use as a complete preschool curriculum or as learning activities you scatter throughout your days. Remember that we are always happy to help answer your questions and encourage you along the way. Please feel free to use the chat box on the lower right side of your screen or email us at any time. God bless!

For helpful information to design your own preschool plan, visit our Planning Your Homeschool Preschool Curriculum page.

For a fully planned year of Preschool, check out our virtual Preschool School Box.



Language Arts


Numbers, Patterns, and Cognitive Skills

Manners and Healthy Habits

Arts, Crafts, and Music

  • Ditch the Desk: Go to lessons or read more. Recommended units:
    • Fairy Tales, Snake for Supper
    • Fairy Tales, Library Fairy Parts One and Two
    • Fairy Tales, Three Little Pigs
    • Ocean Study
  • Preschool Playground: Arts, Crafts & Music: Go to lessons or read more.
  • Sensory Learning for Toddlers: Go to lessons or read more.
  • Silly School Songs


Motor Skills

Social Studies

Achievement Certificates

Enjoy dozens of bright and colorful ways you can reward your little one for a job well done.



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Expo Recordings

Join us on the second Thursday of each month at 12:30 p.m. ET, fall through spring. Register from the Activities Calendar tab of your Member Dashboard to participate.