We have many Christmas-themed resources for your family to enjoy during your homeschool journey in December. Here’s a roundup of lessons and videos on the site.
Please note: The specific titles available each Christmas season are subject to change.
Explore our Christmas videos for kids
Christmas-Themed Lessons
Achieving Art Success with ArtAchieve
- Level II, Lesson 6: The German Nutcracker
- Level II, Lesson 13: The Polish Szopka
- Level IV, Lesson 8: The Stained Glass Nativity Window
Advent Mini Unit
- Found in our Unit Studies in Holiday section
Adventures with Books
- Christmas and Gingerbread
Animal Science
- Animals of the Nativity
- Christmas Architecture (Gingerbread Houses)
Bible Adventures
- Birth of the King (multiple languages available)
Cranberry Christmas eBook
- Found in our Unit Studies in Holiday section
Daily Writing
- Various Christmas-themed Prompts in the December Lists
Decorate the Christmas Cookies
- Coloring fun with simple handwriting practice for PreK/K
Ditch the Desk
- Candy Canes
- Gifts and Winter
- History of the Christmas Tree
- Keeping Christ in Christmas and Character Before Curriculum
- Saint Nicholas unit study on the real Saint Nicholas
Elementary Art
- Advent Art
Everyday Copywork
- See the Holidays section of the Everyday Copywork archive for lots of Christmas copywork!
Everyday Easels
- St. Joseph the Carpenter by Georges de La Tour
- Presentation of Christ in the Temple by Giovanni di Paolo
- Tree of Jesse
History of Hanukkah: Why Christmas is on the 25th
- Found in our Unit Studies in Holiday section
History of Holidays in America
- Christmas Unit on pp. 46-49 of the Lessons
Homegrown Parenting
- Beyond Toys and Games
- Christmas Reading for the Whole Family
Homespun Holidays Fall/Winter eBook
- Found in our Unit Studies in Holiday section
Kinetic Connections
- Christmas Ideas
- Christmas in the Barn
- The Gift of the Magi
- Why the Chimes Rang
- Luke 2
- Special Christmas Lesson available as an additional download for Lesson 14
- The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, found in the Chronicles of Narnia study
Loving Literature Through Chapter Books
- The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, found in the Chronicles of Narnia study
- Christmas Changes
- Lesson 10: Projects (Photo Gifts You Can Create)
Photography Challenge
- Challenge to keep your skills sharp over the holidays with Challenges #45 and #46 (pp. 45-46 of the lessons)
Pre-K Activities: Read and Play
- Luke 1-2 and Matthew 2
Reader’s Theater
- Various poems
Reading Lists (Monthly Book List)
- Christmas Parts I, II, II, IV, and V reading lists, as well as Let It Snow and Snow reading lists
Renaissance History
- A Renaissance Christmas
Schoolhouse Music Recorder Lessons
- Bonus – Christmas Piano Lessons
- This unit study can be found in our Unit Studies in Music page
Simply Shakespeare
- Rest Ye Merry-A Shakespearean Celebration
Studio Art for Teens
- Wonderful Christmas Gift Ideas and Art
- Angels in Art
- Snow and Ice in Art and Literature
- Bells in Art, Literature, and Music
The People and Places of Christmas
- Unit can be found in A Study of Extraordinary Women of the Bible
- Joy to the World
- “Advent”
Writing: Design Your Own Winter Wonderland
- This Writing Unit Study can be found in our Unit Studies in Holiday section.