We have many Christmas-themed resources for your family to enjoy during your homeschool journey in December. Here’s a roundup of lessons and videos on the site.
Please note: The specific titles available each Christmas season are subject to change.
Explore our Christmas videos for kids

The Christmas Experience is a 6-week small group study that examines how God chose each individual in the Christmas story for a specific purpose. Find yourself in the Christmas story, as you learn that what happened then changes everything now.
The Christmas Story is a special musical presentation showing what the first Christmas may have been like. Join Dámaris Carbaugh and the Discovery Singers, along with a few shepherds, Mary, Joseph, and some of their four-legged friends.
Excavating the Evidence for Jesus: The Top-10 List for Christmas explores the scripture, history, archaeology, and evidence from the ancient world surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ. If you have never viewed videos on RightNow Media, please visit our Video Library to get started.

Christmas-Themed Lessons
Achieving Art Success with ArtAchieve
- Level II, Lesson 6: The German Nutcracker
- Level II, Lesson 13: The Polish Szopka
- Level IV, Lesson 8: The Stained Glass Nativity Window
Advent Mini Unit
- Found in our Unit Studies in Holiday section
Adventures with Books
- Christmas and Gingerbread
Animal Science
- Animals of the Nativity
- Christmas Architecture (Gingerbread Houses)
Bible Adventures
- Birth of the King (multiple languages available)
Cranberry Christmas eBook
- Found in our Unit Studies in Holiday section
Daily Writing
- Various Christmas-themed Prompts in the December Lists
Decorate the Christmas Cookies
- Coloring fun with simple handwriting practice for PreK/K
Ditch the Desk
- Candy Canes
- Gifts and Winter
- History of the Christmas Tree
- Keeping Christ in Christmas and Character Before Curriculum
- Saint Nicholas unit study on the real Saint Nicholas
Elementary Art
- Advent Art
Everyday Copywork
- See the Holidays section of the Everyday Copywork archive for lots of Christmas copywork!
Everyday Easels
- St. Joseph the Carpenter by Georges de La Tour
- Presentation of Christ in the Temple by Giovanni di Paolo
- Tree of Jesse
History of Hanukkah: Why Christmas is on the 25th
- Found in our Unit Studies in Holiday section
History of Holidays in America
- Christmas Unit on pp. 46-49 of the Lessons
Homegrown Parenting
- Beyond Toys and Games
- Christmas Reading for the Whole Family
Homespun Holidays Fall/Winter eBook
- Found in our Unit Studies in Holiday section
Kinetic Connections
- Christmas Ideas
- Christmas in the Barn
- The Gift of the Magi
- Why the Chimes Rang
- Luke 2
- Special Christmas Lesson available as an additional download for Lesson 14
- The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, found in the Chronicles of Narnia study
Loving Literature Through Chapter Books
- The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, found in the Chronicles of Narnia study
- Christmas Changes
- Lesson 10: Projects (Photo Gifts You Can Create)
Photography Challenge
- Challenge to keep your skills sharp over the holidays with Challenges #45 and #46 (pp. 45-46 of the lessons)
Pre-K Activities: Read and Play
- Luke 1-2 and Matthew 2
Reader’s Theater
- Various poems
Reading Lists (Monthly Book List)
- Christmas Parts I, II, II, IV, and V reading lists, as well as Let It Snow and Snow reading lists
Renaissance History
- A Renaissance Christmas
Schoolhouse Music Recorder Lessons
- Bonus – Christmas Piano Lessons
- This unit study can be found in our Unit Studies in Music page
Simply Shakespeare
- Rest Ye Merry-A Shakespearean Celebration
Studio Art for Teens
- Wonderful Christmas Gift Ideas and Art
- Angels in Art
- Snow and Ice in Art and Literature
- Bells in Art, Literature, and Music
The People and Places of Christmas
- Unit can be found in A Study of Extraordinary Women of the Bible
- Joy to the World
- “Advent”
Writing: Design Your Own Winter Wonderland
- This Writing Unit Study can be found in our Unit Studies in Holiday section.