Courtney Ward

Lesson Designer

Courtney Ward is married to Allan Ward, and they have half-a-dozen children. They have homeschooled since the oldest was about to begin kindergarten. The children range in ages from 1 to 15. One of her daughters loves art and is very creative. She has caused Courtney to come out of her comfort zone and learn many crafts and arts that have been very enjoyable. Heritage crafts are very gratifying because they are linked to history and our past which we can learn so much from. note: External links may be automatically included within third party websites; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by nor by the lesson designer of any products, services, or opinions of the corporation, organization, or individual. Parents may wish to preview all links because third-party websites include ads that may change over time.

Courses by Courtney:

Heritage Crafts are life skills that people in the past used to create art and live productive lives. We will be learning a lot about these life skills by making a variety of cornhusk dolls, writing with quills, making ink, drying apples, making candles, and more. This class is best done as a family, as some portions of the crafts require parental supervision.