Kelli Becton

Lesson Designer

Kelli Becton is a curriculum creator, homeschool speaker, and mom of three teenage boys who have, for the most part, homeschooled from the beginning. She says she’s an accidental homeschooler! Kelli was a career woman who never considered homeschooling. “I was on ‘the fast track’ and planned to keep it that way,” she says. But God had other plans. Today, she and her husband are eternally grateful that He did. The Adventure Homeschool interactive unit studies came about as a result of their travels, exploring, and hands-on learning experiences. Kelli says, “‘I’m a firm believer that once you get a child to realize learning is an exciting adventure, you’ve won half the battle! Use what they love and inspire them to dig in and to take ownership of their education. This doesn’t mean they don’t have any guidance; on the contrary, the best course is to dig in together as a family and soak up the knowledge available in God’s creation!” Hands-on learning is effective! The strategy has worked well for the Becton crew as they have graduated one son from homeschool with a full academic scholarship to his college of choice. The Christian-based unit studies are designed to teach the whole family together, and can also be used individually. note: External links may be automatically included within third party websites; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by nor by the lesson designer of any products, services, or opinions of the corporation, organization, or individual. Parents may wish to preview all links because third-party websites include ads that may change over time.

Courses by Kelli

Wildlife Adventures: This course is designed to provide students with a short but detailed look at a variety of animals. From birds to sea creatures, students will learn many interesting facts and a great deal of information. Learn about the history and symbolism of the bald eagle. Examine the role the pelican played in Christianity. Through the use of videos, photos, and fun activities, students can learn about anatomy, habits, feeding, life cycle, and more.