Dawn Burnette

Lesson Designer

Dawn Burnette lives in Georgia with her husband and homeschooled both her son and daughter from first grade all the way through graduation. She is the developer of Daily Grammar Practice and continues to write curriculum materials for DGP Publishing, Inc. She enjoys reading, watching her son play golf, volunteering, and walking in the beautiful mountains near her home.

Here are more facts about Dawn:

  • Has an MA in English Education and National Board Certification
  • Taught high school English in a public school for fifteen years
  • Teaches online classes for homeschoolers through Excelsior Classes
  • Published Daily Grammar Practice, Daily Reading Practice, Daily Spelling Practice, and Burnette Writing Process


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Courses by Dawn

Daily Grammar for Middle School: This homeschool grammar curriculum provides weekly practice sheets with a Bible verse, Bible fact, or sentence about Christian life, for middle grade students to identify parts of speech, practice proper grammar, and understand sentence construction.