Phil Rowlands

Lesson Designer

Phil Rowlands is a retired head teacher from Wales (UK) with 37 years’ experience in primary/elementary education. During his time working in the Rhondda Valley, Phil assumed responsibility for the Rhondda Christian Teachers Association. His passion for discovering new approaches to learning has taken him as far afield as New Zealand.

Math was one subject he noted children frequently found difficult. Determined to provide the best learning experience possible, he embarked on an exhaustive journey of research to discover the most effective, child-friendly approach to introducing and developing math concepts for young children. The result was Child’s Play Math, a program which utilizes Cuisenaire rods and is delivered via play, directed activities, open-ended tasks, and challenges. It is ideal for preschool and kindergarten children as well as those in grades 1 through 3.

The program has been warmly received by teachers, parents, and most importantly children. Phil is delighted that Child’s Play Math has now been made available on in video format. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Phil by email at:

Be sure to check out his website and find even more great materials. note: External links may be automatically included within third party websites; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by nor by the lesson designer of any products, services, or opinions of the corporation, organization, or individual. Parents may wish to preview all links because third-party websites include ads that may change over time.

Course by Phil

Hands-On Math Help is a play-based math course based on Cuisenaire rods. It includes a free, downloadable Cuisenaire rod app (currently only available for Windows) and weekly video tutorials that are designed to teach parents how to teach math in a fun, hands-on way using the rods.