Kati Butler

Lesson Designer

Kati Butler is a proud mom to two spunky preschoolers who strives to glorify Christ in her daily life at home. She is a 2001 graduate of Texas A&M with a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies (education) and a minor in Reading Education. After teaching 3rd and 4th grade ESL (English as a Second Language) for 6 years, Kati attended Harvard Graduate School of Education where she obtained an EdM (Masters of Education) in Risk & Prevention in 2007. She returned to the Dallas, TX, area to become a guidance counselor and ESL writing teacher. After the birth of her first child, she chose to stay home and educate her children through preschool. In her spare time, she runs Select Academic Consulting and blogs. Select is a full-service college counseling agency dedicated to helping families through the college search and application process.


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Course by Kati

ESL Language Arts: This course is designed as an introduction to grammar for students who are second language learners. Each week will include a new lesson and an answer key. Lessons are broken down into the background of the principle being studied, guided practice, independent practice, and extension exercises.