Charlene Johnson

Lesson Designer

Charlene Johnson lives in Arizona. After twelve years of working for the government as a physicist, God blessed her with three children and the opportunity to stay home and homeschool them. She is now the Director of Academic Programs at a charter school where she does administrative work and is responsible for all academics, including curricula, grades, and testing. Homeschooling is still very dear to her heart and she continue to tutor students in her spare time, and works to encourage homeschooling families.

Here are more facts about Charlene:

  • Has a Bachelor of Science in Physics
  • Homeschooled her children through graduation
  • Taught and tutored in both public and private forums note: External links may be automatically included within third party websites; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by nor by the lesson designer of any products, services, or opinions of the corporation, organization, or individual. Parents may wish to preview all links because third-party websites include ads that may change over time.

Courses by Charlene

Pre-Algebra, as presented by Charlene Johnson on, is a full 40-week course. Each unit builds on previous lessons and so should be studied sequentially by the student to completely understand the topics. The course is structured so that the student can easily find the topics they may want to review while they are working through this class. The student will learn facts about a topic, how to expand on those facts and associate them with previously learned facts, how to apply these facts to real life, and review before moving on to the next topic..

Courses Co-Authored by Charlene:

Daily Math helps your student learn or reinforce math concepts. There are over 200 math worksheets that range from basic skills such as identifying shapes and rounding numbers to advanced skills, such as area, perimeter, angles, and more. There are also drills for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division practice. These worksheets are for extra practice as stand-alone worksheets and are not a complete math course for any specific grade. Your student can work on problem areas with the extra practice these worksheets offer or use them to review before moving on to more difficult areas of math.

Ditch the Desk: If you would like your K-5th grade student to observe the world around them, without being tied to a desk, Ditch the Desk is a course you will want to explore. Ditch the Desk contains weekly and monthly unit studies that examine many different topics, such as being an author or illustrator, baking with math, birds, the life of a frontier photographer, fairy tales, the ocean, weather, and more.