Dr. Todd Wood

Lesson Designer

Dr. Todd C. Wood is Core Academy’s president and professor of biochemistry. Dr. Wood is a graduate of Liberty University and the University of Virginia. He worked for thirteen years at Bryan College before starting Core Academy of Science. Dr. Wood authored or co-authored more than 40 technical papers, and he currently serves as president of the Creation Biology Society.


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Courses by Dr. Todd C. Wood

Advanced Chemistry: This advanced chemistry course covers all the basic topics of general chemistry. As an advanced course, it is suitable for grades 11-12 and would be best appreciated by a student who has already had a basic introduction to chemistry. This course includes approximately 25 hours of video instruction, supplemental readings, extensive practice exercises, and answer keys.

General Biology by Core Academy: The first semester includes a special introduction to science, human biology, ecology, and zoology. In the second semester, students will learn about botany, microbiology, cell biology, genetics, and origins. This course includes approximately 25 hours of video instruction, supplemental readings, and answer keys. A Christian, creationist worldview informs the lessons where appropriate.