Heather Hayes

Lesson Designer

Heather Hayes has been following Jesus since 1991. She lives in Las Vegas, Nevada, with her husband, Ryan, and their six-year-old son, Nehemiah. Ryan and Heather adopted Nehemiah from foster care in 2009.

Heather was homeschooled until going to college and then spent thirteen years working in the public school system as a classroom teacher and guidance counselor. She is now enjoying the role of full-time wife and homeschooling mommy.

Heather holds a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership from University of Phoenix and teaches graduate-level education courses online for Colorado Christian University.


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Course Co-Authored by Heather

Ditch the Desk: If you would like your K-5th grade student to observe the world around them, without being tied to a desk, Ditch the Desk is a course you will want to explore. Ditch the Desk contains weekly and monthly unit studies that examine many different topics, such as being an author or illustrator, baking with math, birds, the life of a frontier photographer, fairy tales, the ocean, weather, and more.