Michele Peterson

Lesson Designer

Michele Peterson is a not-for-profit photographer who specializes in capturing the moment, preserving memories, and striving to bless others through pictures. What started out as an interest in learning how to take a better picture turned into a passion to get as much knowledge of photography as possible. This led to a position on the high school newspaper as a photographer, what Michele still calls “my all-time favorite class.”

After high school, while pursuing a degree in nursing, photography continued as a hobby, growing into a daily part of her life. A few years back, Michele began entering contests, and has won a number of awards. She continues to be a student of the art through various classes. Michele teaches her own children, enjoys learning from others in shared settings, and enjoys sharing her experiences. She desires to spark an interest in others to perhaps take up photography as a lifelong interest as well.


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Courses by Michele

Photography: Topics covered are the functions of the camera, composition and elements of design, stretching your skills, and more. This course is best taken in the order it is presented to develop your skills in a way that builds on skills previously acquired. If all 30 weeks of this course are taken and assignments completed, the student has earned one-half credit toward their high school transcript. As always, please be aware of your own state’s academic standards.

Photography Challenge: Weekly photography challenges continue to build on the skills learned in Photography by expanding students’ skills and stretching their creativity. If a student already has a solid understanding of photography, the challenges may be done independently of the Photography class.