Rhonda Clark

Lesson Designer

Being a freelance writer, book reviewer, dedicated mom, and popular teacher at her homeschool support group Renewed Moms Ministry keeps Rhonda Clark extremely busy. She writes almost all of her own curriculum for her classes that have varied from elementary science, to middle school history and literature, to high school computer.

When not shuttling her daughter to soccer, archery, bowling, or any other number of endless activities, she devotes time to writing homeschool curriculum and her first novel. Scrapbooking, paper crafting, and reading are downtime activities, but the one thing she enjoys most is spending time with her husband of 20 years. They have two children, a college-aged son and a high school-aged daughter.


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Courses Co-Authored by Rhonda:

Fundamental Elements of Literature and Composition: In this high school British literature course, students take an in-depth look at key periods in the history of British literature from Old English and medieval through modern and postmodern. Numerous classics are studied including Beowulf, Macbeth, the King James Bible, Pilgrim’s Progress, Paradise Lost, Gulliver’s Travels, Pride & Prejudice, Jane Eyre, The Screwtape Letters, Animal Farm, and various selections of poetry.

Paragraphs, Poetry, and Prose: Elementary Writing: Help your upper elementary students polish their paragraphs, chart their characters, practice their poetry, and jump into journalism with this elementary writing course.

Renaissance History: When you hear the word Renaissance, what comes to mind? Leonardo da Vinci? Michelangelo? Do you ever think of shoguns in Japan? What about the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires? Rhonda Clark helps students explore Renaissance History through an ongoing weekly series exploring Renaissance history not only in Europe, but in Africa and Asia as well. Activities include crafts, lapbooks, additional reading suggestions, and more. Since this course builds on the prior time periods covered, it is necessary to follow the lessons through sequentially.

Schoolhouse Spelling

Schoolhouse Spelling: Did you know that spelling is a lifelong skill? With Schoolhouse Spelling, students from kindergarten to high school can enjoy a variety of activities ranging from spelling word videos to fun spelling lists and worksheets to puzzles that enable each student to work with words while learning how to spell them.