Jan Bower

Lesson Designer

Jan Bower is the creator of Drawing Success, a video drawing course for teens. She has painted hundreds of commissioned portraits, and her paintings have won numerous awards at fine art fairs.

Jan has taught art to hundreds of students. She especially enjoys encouraging those who doubt their abilities, and she has a gift of helping students achieve artistic success while enjoying the process.

Jan’s top artistic goal is to glorify God and point people to Jesus Christ through her work. She is an avid gardener, and loves spending time with her thirty-five grandchildren. She and her husband, Gary, live in Traverse City, Michigan, where Gary writes and Jan illustrates their Christian children’s books.

Here are more facts about Jan:

  • Illustrated sixteen children’s books, several of which have won national awards
  • Homeschooled her twelve children for 38 years (1984–2022)


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Courses by Jan

Drawing with Realism: Like most developing artists, you probably have more art aptitude than you realize. But raw talent needs guidance, practice, and encouragement to excel. Drawing with Realism will give you all three. Many creative people are visual learners, so watching a step-by-step video demonstration as you draw along with your instructor is a wonderful way to learn and grow to really understand techniques that can help you draw with amazing realism.

Art Tips with Jan Bower: These short video clips offer art tips that will help students improve at any level. All artists run into occasional roadblocks, and these professional art tips and tricks can help get past those hurdles. A new, fun, and simple art tip will be posted each week by award-winning portrait artist and illustrator Jan Bower. This course is not designed to be a stand-alone art class but rather to be used as a follow up or companion to Jan’s first course on SchoolhouseTeachers.com, Drawing with Realism.