Helen Royston

Lesson Designer

Helen Royston has been a home educator for over 20 years, in which time she has explored different philosophies and styles according to the age and nature of each child. Her family loves books, which make literature-based unit studies the perfect learning platform for her children. She started writing Picture Book Explorers for her two youngest children so that they could work together on projects they loved whilst reading books they loved. She is a great believer in personalized education, and the flexibility of her resources reflect this.

Alongside home educating, she has gained a BSc with the Open University which incorporates a Certificate of Mathematics.

She is involved in organising local home educators groups with a number of other families. She is also an accredited Godly Play storyteller, a skill she loves to use regularly at her local junior church.


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Courses by Helen:

Experiencing Weather: Can you learn about weather phenomena through picture books? Of course you can, with this five-part Experience Weather series. These five unit studies help kids learn about various weather phenomena including snowflakes, fog, rain, and wind through engaging stories and fun hands-on activities. They will also get an introduction to the geography and food of the British Isles, learn writing skills, learn about art, and much more.