Encouragement from His Word
Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. Do not add to His words, lest He rebuke you, and you be found a liar.
–Proverbs 30:5
Free Homeschool Schedules and Planners Printouts
We have hundreds of FREE printable help charts and planners to help you organize your day like our Daily Goals Printable Planner. Plan your day and reach your goals with greater focus! Also, enjoy our homeschool printout for Academic Goals for the Year. We have many more options available, but these two make a nice, simple start on monthly planning and organization.
Instructions: Simply click the images or PDF links below, save to your computer, print, use, and share!
Enjoy Free Online Homeschool Planning Printouts and More!
Our free printable worksheets will help you plan for future events, create a transcript, prepare for college, learn about the different forms of poetry, study the states and their capitals, and more. There are plenty of calendars, planners and checklists to choose from. Remember, these helpful charts are free, so you can share them with your friends and family.
Click Here to find more free printouts.
Learn From Our Logic Course
Logic: Taught by Lisa Duffy. This 15-week course will provide an introduction to a number of informal fallacies encountered in everyday life. Recognizing and responding to this deceptive and faulty reasoning helps prepare students to communicate effectively and persuasively, while equipping them to avoid falling prey to deception.
Students will compile a Logic notebook and will be presented with examples of a new fallacy each week. Through a variety of activities divided into daily assignments, students will learn to analyze statements, questions, advertisements, and arguments and to identify faulty reasoning contained in each. Students will study examples, learn definitions, and apply their new knowledge and understanding by finding examples in the world around them. A weekly quiz will assess their understanding.
If you’re not familiar with SchoolhouseTeachers.com we’d love to tell you more! We provide curriculum for homeschool families worldwide. With thousands of lessons of all genres from math, science, to learning another language including Spanish and even Sign Language. We bring our members all these courses for a low monthly or yearly membership fee. We provide ongoing customer support using our live chat options to help you find the class or subject you’re looking for.
Courses for Every Family Member!
Over 400 courses with no hidden fees.
One family membership allows every student in your home to start any course any time and go at his own pace. Try it and see for yourself how it can work for your family.