and The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine have gathered resources to help you and your students prepare for college. For a complete list of courses, please visit the All Courses page.
The Homeschool College Directory
What’s next for your homeschooled high schooler? The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine is pleased to offer a collection of excellent resources to help you explore options for pointing your high schooler in the best direction. More than ever before, colleges, universities, and academies are not only vying for the attention of graduating homeschoolers but also offering a wide array of options for post-high school educations.
The site includes a directory of outstanding institutions—one of which may be just what your upcoming homeschool graduate is looking for! We’ve also compiled dozens of helpful articles from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, providing the answers you’re seeking during your child’s high school years. You’ll find support and resources here as you guide your son or daughter toward adulthood, whether he or she is college- or career-bound.
Visit The Homeschool College Directory on
Visit our Free Printable Charts page for College Prep Worksheets. Don’t miss this collection of free printable worksheets for high school and college preparation. Included are checklists, suggested transcripts, blank high school hours logs, and other planning or recordkeeping aids.
College Prep Tips Series: Enjoy Denise Ames’ College Prep Tips Series. Each 20- to 36-page unit includes dozens of tips, resources, ideas, and suggestions to help both parents and students explore the topics listed below. Each unit is formatted to be used on a November-October schedule to correspond with deadlines for scholarships mentioned, etc., but the material can be used and enjoyed at any time.
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eBooks from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine: free for members of
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Academic Weighting for Transcripts: Use this page to find classes that help your students meet their graduation requirements and strengthen their transcript records.
The Applecore Recordkeeping System provides a Course Tracker, grade reporting, report cards, attendance records, and assistance with portfolios.
High School Help: This page includes recommended transcript weighting for the high school classes you will find as well as tips for preparing a high school transcript.
Career Exploration and Starting a Micro-Business for Teens: Teens can discover career paths or college majors they may be interested in and even learn how to set up and run a successful small business.
High School and College Prep Printouts
Our free printable worksheets will help you plan for future events, keep track of scholarships, create a transcript, prepare for college, calculate a GPA, and more. There are plenty of planners and checklists to choose from. Please share our charts with your friends! Click here to find more free high school and college prep printouts.