Back Issues 2015

2015 Back Issues They’re all free! Read the entire library of 2015 issues of The Old...

Back Issues 2014

2014 Back Issues They’re all free! Read the entire library of 2013 issues of The Old...

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This is where you market to the visitors about giving ST a try…  Join now…  wonderful convincing information.  Confidence, support, we’re there for you and have the tools you need.  The price is awesome…  The community…  You can beat it!


Marketing ideas: Post all of the info charts and pages to Pinterest… PUSH Pinterest with these images BIG time. Push them in the schedule creators. Then, each week feature a new info chart page in #1. ST blog with little blurb for SEO content building (could possibly be automatic to facebook if plugin approved by tech team) and #2. Posted in facebook group. Then #3. Freebies posted in various facebook groups dissociated with ST. Just freebie homeschool groups that love free stuff like this. Another way to use these is in the Learning Centers and School subject areas that can benefit from specific print outs. But push them being printed and shared broadly because they will be a very powerful tool to market to new people, and DRAW old members back… especially members that did not know this kind of awesome was available. Then they’re all happy because it’s a generous free gift… even for non-members.

Having people comment and favorite your post keeps your post at the top, and keeps people actively aware of the post you made and what it says. “popular vote effect”.  So having team members like, favorite and share will increase the chance of posts being seen by more people.

Get Every Class - For Every Member of Your Family.

Enjoy over 250 courses without any hidden textbook, per-child, or per-class fees.  One family membership allows every student in your home to start any course any time and go at his own pace. Try it and see for yourself how it can work for your family.  For our $1 month trial offer new members can use coupon code: TRIAL at checkout