Daniel Ryan Day

Lesson Designer

Daniel Ryan Day is a family man, author, speaker, and nationally syndicated radio co-host who spent quite a few years trying to figure out God’s call on his life. His search for answers—accompanied by the pursuit of a master’s degree from Fuller Theological Seminary—led him to discover that God reveals every Christian’s broader calling within the pages of Scripture. Daniel works as the Chief Operations Officer for a Family Entertainment Center and attempts to live out intentional Christianity in North Carolina as a husband, father, and businessman. Daniel’s second book: Intentional Christian: What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do is available now.


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Courses by Daniel:

What’s Next? Discovering God’s Will for Your Life: Searching for your next step in life can be exciting yet overwhelming, intriguing yet stressful,
adventurous yet painful. “What’s next?” is a question everyone asks and struggles with at some point in his or her life, and many people end up asking this question multiple times. For some of us, “What’s next?” is a question of dreams—What could the future look like if I did this or that? There’s an excitement that comes with thinking about all the possibilities and potential. For others, the question is stressful, and the answer may require a major transition, like moving away from family or changing jobs. Thinking about the future carries with it equal parts of angst and anticipation. “What’s next” always ventures into the unknown. If you’re asking “What’s Next?”—join the club! You’re not alone. Join us as we work together to learn about finding God’s will for your life.