Jami Bennington

Schoolhouse Writer

Jami lives in Illinois with her husband and three children. Jami’s husband is a bi-vocational pastor whose full-time employment is as registrar at the local university. Jami serves in children’s ministry and in hospitality at her church. She joined the editing team at SchoolhouseTeachers.com in 2021 and is also the editor for interactive.SchoolhouseTeachers.com.

Here are a few facts about Jami:

  • Holds a degree in education
  • Taught for four years before choosing to homeschool
  • Serves as a teacher in the local homeschool cooperative
  • Offers editing services through her website at jamiswords.com


Jami is a member of our Schoolhouse Writer team. Since Schoolhouse Bible is such an integral part of our identity here at SchoolhouseTeachers.com, we would like to thank her by acknowledging her contributions.

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Course Co-Authored by Jami

Schoolhouse Bible: How can a young person stay on the straight and narrow path? According to Psalm 119, he can pay attention to God’s Word! The best way to do that is to read and study the Scriptures. Our Schoolhouse Bible curriculum has a Bible reading guide for every grade, as well as Bible memorization passages. The preschool lessons introduce Bible readings from both the Old and New Testaments, and a student who follows the curriculum every year from kindergarten through twelfth grade will have studied the Bible through five times. Additional activities, which vary by grade level, help students internalize and apply the Word of God.