Max Lyons, Ph.D.

Lesson Designer

Max Lyons served as teacher and administrator in three Christian schools since 1979. He has served as Principal at the elementary, middle and high school levels, and was the Head Administrator and CFO at StoneBridge School. His last school position was Director of Guidance at Atlantic Shores Christian School.  He has extensive experience in all aspects of Christian School management, including curriculum development, teacher professional development, recruiting and admissions,  fund raising, business management, board development, and guidance and counseling. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from Virginia Wesleyan College, a Masters in Christian School Administration from Regent University, and a Ph.D. in Christian Education from Whitefield Theological Seminary.

He currently serves as Director of Teaching Services at the Foundation for American Christian Education. Max is a teacher, curriculum writer, blogger, and conference speaker, specializing in the areas of Bible, history, government, law, economics, and Biblical worldview. He has taught a Biblical worldview adult Sunday school class for two decades.

His publications include Celebrate our Christian Holidays Like You Were There, Government Takes All…What’s Left for Me?, Sons and Daughters Walking in the Truth, How to Establish a Christian School to Restore the Republic, and The Seven Pillars of Liberty. He and his wife Margie co-authored an upper elementary Bible curriculum entitled Thinking and Acting Like Jesus. He is co-author of Odyssey of Faith, a children’s book and Virginia history curriculum. He has several books published in Portuguese that are used by a network of Principle Approach schools in Brazil. Government Takes All…What’s Left for Me? was recently published in Spanish.

Max and Margie have four children and seven grandchildren and they attend Kempsville Presbyterian Church.

Courses Taught by Dr. Lyons:

Free Men and Free Markets: Government and Economics: Do you know what the Bible teaches concerning economics? This five lecture course will give you a Biblical understanding of how man satisfies his material needs, how the market system works, how the free market differs from socialism, how government and economics intersect and how the Bible answers severe economic problems like poverty and injustice.

Seven Principles of Liberty: Government from a Christian Perspective: Biblical principles essential for liberty are individuality, limited government, Christian self-government, Christian character, private property, local self government and union. These were once commonly understood and applied in American culture. During each lesson, students will uncover and discuss one of the Seven Principles that undergird the US Constitution.