Nyoka Hall

Lesson Designer

Nyoka Hall lives in Ohio with her husband and three children. She is a homemaker and home educator. Her interests include writing books and poetry, drawing, and lifting weights.

Here are more facts about Nyoka:

  • Has an Associates degree in Liberal Arts
  • Published several books, including Trust God Cry Repeat: Mom Chronicles and Did God Really Say?: Exposing Feminisms Grip on Christian women
  • Provides Biblical encouragement at trustgodcryrepeat.com


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Courses Taught by Nyoka:

Introducing the Many Faces of Poetry: If you’re nervous about diving into poetry, this course is a perfect choice! Through 84 bite-sized lessons divided over 21 weeks, students can learn a little about poetry each day without worrying about getting in over their heads. Numerous opportunities to memorize and write original poetry are also included.