Shanna Duck

Lesson Designer

Shanna Duck’s love of history started by listening to the stories told by her great-grandmother and grandparents on their family farm. Later, at the Louisiana School for Math, Science and the Arts, she was encouraged to follow her interest in history, historic costume, domestic history, and folk culture. After gaining her B.A. in History from Centenary College of Louisiana and an M.S. in Museum Science from Texas Tech University, Shanna worked for around a decade in small museums and archival history centers before coming home to be a wife and mother. She now stays busy helping her husband, Stephen, with his CPA practice; homeschooling their daughter, Sarah; curating a small private collection of artifacts; giving programs and historic needlework demonstrations; and managing their small heritage farm. She loves encouraging young people to find their own God-given talents and gifts. note: External links may be automatically included within third party websites; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by nor by the lesson designer of any products, services, or opinions of the corporation, organization, or individual. Parents may wish to preview all links because third-party websites include ads that may change over time.

Courses by Shanna:

Fashions in History is a multi-level multidisciplinary study for young ladies, focusing on women and children’s fashions from the 18th century to 1910. In addition to readings on the main topic, the study contains optional readings on dolls and 19th-century culture for students of all levels, conversations about museum and archival topics, historic needlework, historic recipes, coloring pages, practice in computer skills, vocabulary, clothespin-doll-making projects, and a short course in hand-sewing and embroidery. Any part of this curriculum may be used to supplement a regular history or home economics course, or it may be used as an elective course.