Courses by Sheila:

Botany: Plant and Field Studies: How did the plant “cell” get its name? What well-known Christmas plant is really a parasite? Our Botany: Plant Science and Field Studies course takes seventh through tenth grade students on a tour through the plant world to learn about roots and shoots, aquatic plants, conservation, plant defenses, and more using engaging text, activities and experiments, quizzes, and even field study of plants.

Exploring God’s World with Second Grade Science: What are the planets like? How do the oceans work? What makes up a living thing? Exploring God’s World with Second Grade Science helps answer some of the myriad of questions students ask. Satisfy their curiosity with the text-based course filled with fun lessons and activities!

Exploring God’s World with Third Grade Science: How do heat and pressure change a sedimentary rock? Is a snail’s head part of its foot? Exploring God’s World with Third Grade Science digs into topics such as animals, body systems, rocks and minerals, electricity, and more. Expand your knowledge with this text-based 36-week course full of interesting lessons and fun activities!

How to Use Microsoft Excel is an eighteen-week online spreadsheet tutorial for users of Microsoft Excel. Homeschool students of all ages can apply these computer skills to any data application, from simple lists to accounting worksheets. The lessons include video instruction, practice assignments, quizzes, and plenty of review.