Tammie Bairen

Lesson Designer

Tammie Bairen lives in the nation’s oldest city, St. Augustine, Florida, which is perfect since she loves history. She and her husband homeschooled their three children from kindergarten through high school. The oldest is married, the middle just graduated with his degree in astrophysics, and the youngest is in school for interior design.

Tammie joined the SchoolhouseTeachers.com team in 2013 as a volunteer writer and began editing in 2014. She credits her editing ability completely to God, as she went to college to become a registered dietitian, not an editor. Her years as a medical transcriptionist and homeschool mom helped hone that skill. She has written four of the courses on SchoolhouseTeachers.com and co-authored four more. She loves to read historical fiction, build puzzles, take on household projects, and learn new skills. One of her dreams is to finish writing the novel she began years ago.


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Courses by Tammie

A Century of Art with Tammie Bairen explores the unique elements that contribute to the particular style, including the history, and introduces students to key artists of the time period. Each also includes an art project to familiarize students with the style. Numerous opportunities for students to explore one or more styles more deeply are provided.

Art: The Timeless Treasure with Tammie Bairen discusses characteristics of the style; art, architecture, sculpture; artists and architects; and each lesson includes a wide variety of activities. Each also includes an art project to familiarize students with the style. Numerous opportunities for students to explore one or more styles more deeply are provided.

How to Use Microsoft Word: Beyond the Basics is an 18-week online training course designed to provide guidance and instruction to users of Microsoft Word. Homeschool students of all ages can apply these computer skills, whether doing homework, creating a resume for work, typing a list of things to do, or writing the next bestselling novel. Each week’s lesson includes a video demonstration and practice assignments.

Introduction to Architecture with Tammie Bairen is a thirty-six week class that discusses some basic components of architecture as well as various structures including skyscrapers, bridges, cathedrals, homes, castles, and sports arenas. Students will learn about various aspects of each structure, including the marvel of its inception at that particular point in history, its function, the architects (where applicable) responsible for its creation, and the science behind its stability.

World History: This high school world history course is different than many others available. It takes advantage of the students’ ability to research and learn as they are digging into history to find the answers to the discussion questions and to formulate their own opinions. Those students who are not accustomed to researching will, hopefully, gain a new skill that will serve them throughout their lives.

Courses Co-Authored by Tammie

Anatomy and Physiology begins with the levels of organization in the human body—from cells to organ systems. It then explores systems related to support and movement, the nervous and endocrine systems, the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic and immune systems, the respiratory system, and the digestive system. This 36-week course uses the OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology textbook (public domain) available through a link on the lessons page. There are discussion questions, critical thinking questions, activities, videos, and tests.

Everyday Easels presents art in the context of other subjects to help those students whose interest in art may only be piqued by understanding the story behind the art or by approaching the art from another direction entirely.

Psychology: Learning About the Mind from a Christian Perspective: With this course, your teen can study psychology without being inundated by the secular philosophies so prevalent in today’s culture. So, grab a Bible and a notebook and get ready to start learning about the mind from a Christian point of view!

Renaissance History: When you hear the word Renaissance, what comes to mind? Leonardo da Vinci? Michelangelo? Do you ever think of shoguns in Japan? What about the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires? Rhonda Clark and Tammie Bairen help students explore Renaissance History through an ongoing weekly series exploring Renaissance history not only in Europe, but in Africa and Asia as well. Activities include crafts, lapbooks, additional reading suggestions, and more. Since this course builds on the prior time periods covered, it is necessary to follow the lessons through sequentially.

Let This Day in History lead you on an exploration of important events from ancient history through today with timeline figures, living book lists, short fiction, discussion questions, hands-on activities, and upper grade options.