Entrepreneurship for Teens

Welcome to Our Internet Entrepreneurship for Teens Homeschool Curriculum

Are you an idea person? Perhaps you have an idea for a product or service that people would be interested in? You can bring this idea to life and create your own business. Yes! Even as a teenager! Internet Entrepreneurship for Teens will help students formulate a business plan, come up with ways to share their ideas with others, narrow their product, jump start their creativity, and get started with their very own online business, whether it be real or fictitious.

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Internet Entrepreneurship for Teens

Length: 24 weeks
Content type: Text based

Grades: 8–12


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Getting Started with Our Internet Entrepreneurship for Teens Homeschool Technology Course

Internet Entrepreneurship for Teens is presented through weekly lessons containing practical study, questions, and assignments to enable teens to create a real or mock Internet-based business from scratch. Homeschool teens learn how to market their business through multimedia, through a website, and through social media. Internet Entrepreneurship for Teens topics include learning the essential elements of a well-designed logo or brand, generating ideas, selecting software, writing a slogan, and much more. Options, both free and paid, for the software capable of design and image manipulation are given in one of the lessons. Homeschool students are encouraged to explore their talents and interests and to discover their purpose and calling in life and in the job market. These Internet Entrepreneurship for Teens lessons are best covered in the order they are presented as they build on one another throughout the course.


  • 24 weeks
  • Includes text-based lessons and assignments
  • Grades: 8–12

Supplies Needed

Corresponding lessons on SchoolhouseTeachers.com, computer and software capable of design and image manipulation, video recorder (iPhone or Android phone will work fine), scanner (most home printers have scanning capabilities), and three-ring binder for notetaking and research and projects.

What to Do

Go to Class Lessons and download the lesson plan and Lesson One. Start with the Day 1 assignment. Follow the instructions each day on the lesson plan and check them off when completed.


Course Sample for Our Internet Entrepreneurship for Teens Homeschool Technology Course

To view a full sample of this course, click here.


Lesson 1: Choosing to Become an Internet Entrepreneur


Welcome to this course, Become an Internet Entrepreneur! Hold on to your seats because this is going to be an exciting ride!

I’m Mrs. Beasley and I’m glad you are joining me on this journey! The ride to becoming an entrepreneur is packed with thrills. It’s a lot like riding a roller coaster or riding a rocket. So are you ready?

What are you going to learn in this course? What will you get out of our time together?

In these upcoming twenty-four lessons, you will learn how to start a business, create a brand around that business—whether a real one or a mock one—and learn how to promote that business through Internet marketing and traditional media. Throughout the course, you will learn foundational skills of marketing and timeless business principles.

Here are some goals I have for our time together through this course:

  1. You will discover your passions, purpose, and callings in life and career/business through hands-on opportunities of exploration. This means yes, you are going to have FUN!
  2. You will learn how to use the media arts to share the Gospel and be a light in a dark world. Now we all know that the world is pretty dark. Did you know you can shine like stars in the universe? Did you know that God wants to use your talents and gifts for His glory? This course will help you begin that journey! And I will always point you toward the Bible for solid instruction.
  3. Discover excellence in twenty-first century media arts. Sadly, excellence is sorely missing from the arts and from business. People have become lazy these days and complacent. What if you learned how to do things to the best of your ability? Would that make you stand out in a job interview or with project proposal, on a blog, or even in a future college class? This course will show you why excellence is so important and how you can be a witness for Christ in just this one area alone.
  4. Learn, discover, and create your own artistic logo, business card, multimedia portfolio presentation, video/film, and website, all based on a real business endeavor or a mock one. Yes, you are going to learn basic graphic design skills. You will learn also how to make a video, how to create a website, and how to design a business card. You will have tangible results of your time in this class. You can decide if this business is real OR if you are going to make a mock business.


Transcript Information for Our Internet Entrepreneurship for Teens Homeschool Technology Course

This Internet Entrepreneurship for Teens homeschool course counts as a computer/technology credit. Homeschool students who thoroughly complete all 24 lessons may earn 1.0 academic credit.


Course Outline for Our Internet Entrepreneurship for Teens Homeschool Technology Course

Twenty-four Internet Entrepreneurship for Teens weekly lessons contain practical study, questions, and assignments to equip homeschool teens to create an Internet-based business from scratch.

UNIT One: Foundations in Business

  • Lesson One: Choosing to Become an Internet Entrepreneur
  • Lesson Two: Creating a Vision for Your Life and Business
  • Lesson Three: Choosing a Persona vs. Name: Which One Are You?
  • Lesson Four: Learning the Essential Elements of a Well-Designed Logo/Brand
  • Lesson Five: Selecting the Best Software to Build Your Business and the Best Media Equipment to Promote It
  • Lesson Six: Generating Ideas to Spark Your Creativity
  • Lesson Seven: Creating a Brand Strategy

UNIT Two: Business Launch Steps

  • Lesson Eight: Naming Your Business
  • Lesson Nine: Writing a Slogan
  • Lesson Ten: Developing a Design Strategy
  • Lesson Eleven: Learning the Basics of Photography
  • Lesson Twelve: Learning the Basics of Illustration
  • Lesson Thirteen: Learning the Basics of Scanning
  • Lesson Fourteen: Selecting a Graphic
  • Lesson Fifteen: Choosing Your Fonts
  • Lesson Sixteen: Putting It All Together
  • Lesson Seventeen: Producing It!

UNIT Three: Getting the Word Out There

  • Lesson Eighteen: Marketing Your Business through Video
  • Lesson Nineteen: Marketing Your Business through Podcasts
  • Lesson Twenty: Marketing Your Business through Multimedia
  • Lesson Twenty-One: Marketing Your Business through a Website
  • Lesson Twenty-Two: Marketing Your Business through Social Media
  • Lesson Twenty-Three: Marketing Your Business through Blogging
  • Lesson Twenty-Four: Building an Entrepreneurial Legacy Over a Lifetime


More About Our Internet Entrepreneurship for Teens Homeschool Technology Course

The objective of this Internet Entrepreneurship for Teens course is to teach junior high and high school homeschool students how to start a business, create a brand around that business—whether a real one or a mock one—and how to promote that business through Internet and traditional media, teaching them the foundational skills of marketing. Students are encouraged to keep a few main goals in mind as they move through this course:

  1. Experience hands-on opportunities so teens can discover their passions, purpose, and callings in life and career/business
  2. Talk about becoming a light in a dark world, communicating the Gospel directly or indirectly through the media arts
  3. Learn how to discover excellence in twenty-first century media arts
  4. Create their own artistic logo, business card, multimedia portfolio presentation, video/film, and website, all based on a real business endeavor or a mock one

Internet Entrepreneurship for Teens students need access to a computer and software capable of design and image manipulation. Options, both free and paid, are given in one of the homeschool technology course lessons.

Get ready to dive in and start discovering how to become an Internet entrepreneur!


Quick Start

1.  Bookmark the course for easy access during instruction.

2. Click “View Lesson Plan” and organize as desired (on computer desktop or in a printed format). 

3.  Gather necessary resources as listed in the lesson plan.

4.  Click “Go to Class Lessons” and get started.

5.  Enjoy the course!

6.  Utilize Applecore or your own record keeping system throughout the course.

7.  Print a certificate of completion.

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