Jennifer Holden

Lesson Designer

Jennifer Holden began homeschooling when her daughter came home crying in fourth grade after a traumatic experience in the public school system. Her daughter is now 22 years old and the mother of two beautiful daughters of her own (who will also be homeschooled). Her three sons have always been homeschooled and are 16, 15 and 12. Jennifer has an educational background in Early Childhood and Special Education and 20+ years of experience teaching, leading youth groups and other children’s activities, and working with children in various settings. She believes that experience is the best teacher and that children learn best when they are interested and actively engaged in learning. Their family loves camping, hiking, and historical reenacting. They recently sold their house and spent a year traveling the country in an RV and experiencing history, geography, science and so much more in a very hands-on way! note: External links may be automatically included within third party websites; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by nor by the lesson designer of any products, services, or opinions of the corporation, organization, or individual. Parents may wish to preview all links because third-party websites include ads that may change over time.

Course Co-Authored by Jennifer:

Ditch the Desk: If you would like your K-5th grade student to observe the world around them, without being tied to a desk, Ditch the Desk is a course you will want to explore. Ditch the Desk contains weekly and monthly unit studies that examine many different topics, such as being an author or illustrator, baking with math, birds, the life of a frontier photographer, fairy tales, the ocean, weather, and more. Your student will experience learning from a hands-on approach while studying math, science, writing, art, and more. The activities are fun, creative, and educational. If your student does not enjoy the traditional “sitting at a desk,” incorporate a little Ditch the Desk into their day to help them learn while “on the move.”