digitial photography curriculum

Welcome to Our Homeschool Digital Photography Curriculum: Photography Challenge

Do your students enjoy photography? Whether your students are new to photography or have been taking photographs for years, Photography Challenge expands students’ photography skills and stretches their creativity with forty-eight weekly photography challenges. Each challenge can be tried again and again in any order as your students’ photography skills improve.

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Photography Challenge

Length: 48 weeks
Content type: Text based
Grades: 2–12


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Getting Started with Our Photography Challenge Homeschool Digital Photography Curriculum

Weekly digital photography curriculum expands students’ photography skills and stretches their creativity with forty-eight weekly photography challenges. Whether just beginning to show an interest in photography or trying to build on skills learned in the Photography course, students will be encouraged to grow as photographers and increase their originality by taking pictures that correspond to the weekly challenge.


  • 48 weekly challenges
  • Includes text based challenges and tips
  • Grades: 2–12

Supplies Needed

Corresponding lessons on SchoolhouseTeachers.com; camera.

What to Do

Go to Class Lessons and download the lesson plan and challenges. Start with the Day 1 assignment. Follow the instructions each day on the lesson plan and check them off when completed.


More About Our Photography Challenge Homeschool Digital Photography Curriculum

Welcome to the weekly digital photography curriculum challenges! The student’s computer is about to become filled with some amazingly creative and fun photos. Along the way, each homeschool student grows as a photographer, gets to know their camera better, and increases their level of creativity!

The idea behind these challenges is simple. Take a picture (or a few!) each week that corresponds to the challenge. Start any time and do more or less depending on individual schedules. Sometimes people get stuck taking the same pictures over and over or take them from the same perspective. These challenges get homeschool students of all ages thinking outside of the box and give them some creative springboards to capture their best shots yet!

Whether the student is new to photography or has been the family photographer for years, these digital photography curriculum challenges can expand their skills. The order is flexible, and perhaps they will give the teacher or student other ideas for designing their own challenges. These digital photography challenges do not necessarily teach the student how to take a picture or how to use a camera, though there are some tips along the way. If the student needs help with learning photography or how to use a camera, the Photography course on SchoolhouseTeachers.com would be a great starting point.

The digital photography curriculum challenges won’t tell homeschool students how to take pictures, what lens length to use, or what settings on the camera to use. That will be up to the student, and that is what makes this a “challenge”! Reminders and helpful tips are included to encourage the student along the way. And these weekly challenges can be tried again and again as students’ photography skills improve.


Course Outline for Our Photography Challenge Homeschool Digital Photography Curriculum

Forty-eight weekly digital photography curriculum lessons encourage homeschool students to expand their photography skills in creative ways.

  • Week 1: School
  • Week 2: Winter
  • Week 3: Board Games
  • Week 4: Red
  • Week 5: Technology
  • Week 6: Hearts
  • Week 7: Home
  • Week 8: Pairs
  • Week 9: Reflections
  • Week 10: Hobby
  • Week 11: Close Up
  • Week 12: Old
  • Week 13: Circles
  • Week 14: Food
  • Week 15: Textures
  • Week 16: Landscapes
  • Week 17: Self-Portrait
  • Week 18: Center
  • Week 19: New
  • Week 20: Empty Space
  • Week 21: Flowers
  • Week 22: Water
  • Week 23: M
  • Week 24: Loud
  • Week 25: Sunshine
  • Week 26: Portrait
  • Week 27: Candid Portrait
  • Week 28: Fuzzy
  • Week 29: Black and White
  • Week 30: Insects
  • Week 31: Three Colors
  • Week 32: Action
  • Week 33: Books
  • Week 34: Low-Light
  • Week 35: Patterns
  • Week 36: Favorites
  • Week 37: Orange
  • Week 38: Leaves
  • Week 39: Music
  • Week 40: X
  • Week 41: Point of View
  • Week 42: Family
  • Week 43: Thankful
  • Week 44: Transportation
  • Week 45: Holiday
  • Week 46: White
  • Week 47: Joyful
  • Week 48: Photography


Quick Start

1.  Bookmark the course for easy access during instruction.

2. Click “View Lesson Plan” and organize as desired (on computer desktop or in a printed format). 

3.  Gather necessary resources as listed in the lesson plan.

4.  Click “Go to Class Lessons” and get started.

5.  Enjoy the course!

6.  Utilize Applecore or your own record keeping system throughout the course.

7.  Print a certificate of completion.

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