Courses by Beth:

Here to Help Writing Flight 1, Paragraph Level
Explore how the elements of a book are like a sandwich and what the difference is between a parable and a fable. Our Here to Help Writing Flight 1, Paragraph Level homeschool writing curriculum teaches writing skills from learning different forms of writing and poetry to developing an original picture book. Students let their creativity soar while watching engaging videos and completing incremental assignments. It’s time to check in for your flight!

Here to Help Writing Flight 2, Paragraph Level
Explore how making a potato pal or diorama box assists in the writing process and how your five senses can help preserve family memories. Our Here to Help Writing Flight 2, Paragraph Level writing curriculum teaches different forms of writing and poetry. Soar into a new adventure while watching engaging videos and completing incremental assignments. Are you ready to fly?

Here to Help Writing Flight 3, Paragraph Level
Explore what kind of surprises might happen if a nursery rhyme character came to visit and how an act of gratitude can support the community. Our Here to Help Writing Flight 3, Paragraph Level writing curriculum helps students reach new heights as they explore all these and more. Students learn different forms of writing and poetry while watching engaging videos and completing incremental assignments. The flight is now boarding!

Here to Help Writing Flight 1, Essay Level
Explore if monuments really come to life and what kind of games the Canterbury Tales characters were playing. Our Here to Help Flight 1, Essay Level homeschool writing curriculum helps students expand their skills into essay-length writing while watching engaging videos and completing incremental assignments. Are you ready for take-off?

Here to Help Writing Flight 2, Essay Level
Explore how American tall tales developed and what a 3-D model has to do with writing. Our Here to Help Writing Flight 2, Essay Level curriculum helps students expand their skills into essay-length writing while watching engaging videos and completing incremental assignments for lift-off!

Here to Help Writing Flight 3, Essay Level: The Write a Book Project
Explore how to become an author. Our Here to Help Writing Flight 3, Essay Level: The Write a Book Project takes students through a one-year journey to complete and publish a book with six chapters. Engaging videos and incremental assignments lead students step-by-step through character development, storyboarding, finishing, and everything in between. Are you ready to soar?