Lauren Dunn

Lesson Designer

Lauren Dunn is so very grateful to have experienced homeschooling as a student, and she is passionate about creating meaningful work through words. She lives in Kansas, loves to read, could eat chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream every day, and blogs at note: External links may be automatically included within third party websites; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by nor by the lesson designer of any products, services, or opinions of the corporation, organization, or individual. Parents may wish to preview all links because third-party websites include ads that may change over time.

Courses by Lauren:

Words and What to Do with Them is a nine-week writing course for aspiring writers. Instead of teaching students how to write, this course focuses on what you can do with what you have written. It starts out by asking the question, “Why do you want to write?” and concludes with a challenge to keep writing and make your words count.