Homeschooling is a rewarding way of life, but it certainly has its challenges. Those of us at SchoolhouseTeachers.com know that, which is why we’ve created this special place for you.
Find tools to make your homeschooling journey easier, such as schedule builders, report card creators, a scope and sequence, and special needs help; streamline your household tasks, such as organization tips, monthly menus, and whole foods cooking; receive encouragement through Bible studies, parenting articles, and homeschooling tips from veteran homeschoolers; and watch marriage-enrichment studies through our video resources. And don’t miss Schoolhouse Devotions by Deborah Wuehler, Director of Production at The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine.
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To View Just for Parents Resources listed by topic, click here.
To view Just for Parents Resources by alphabetical list, click here.
To view a collection of Just for Parents materials in the Parent School Box, click here.
Resources Just for Parents
Unit Studies for Parents
Quick Links
Creating and Implementing A Personal Strategic Plan
Encouragement for Homeschool Moms
God Used Our Daughter’s Impaired Vision to Bring Our Family Home
Growing in Homeschool Confidence
Homeschool Dads: Leading the Charge
Homeschooling That’s Relational
Homeschooling Through the Rough Spots
How to Be the Ultimate Homeschool Dad
Spring Cleaning of the House and Heart
The Trial Zone: Homeschooling Abridged to Nowhere
Home Economics (series of 15 articles) by Malia Russell
Cleaning: Getting Organized: Let’s Talk Spring Cleaning
Cleaning: Spring Cleaning of the House and Heart
Cleaning: Spring Cleaning for Slackers
Crafting: Heritage Crafts
Food: Getting Organized: Let’s Talk About Dinner
Food: Monthly Menu
Food: Whole Foods Cooking with Sue Gregg
Organization: Everyday Organization
Organization: Help Me Get Organized
Self-Reliance: Getting Organized: Let’s Talk About the Farm
Self-Reliance: Homesteading
Marriage: Building Faithful Marriages
Marriage: Making Marriage Work
Marriage: Marriage Built to Last
Babies and Toddlers: Baby Beginnings
Children: Parenting: The Early Years
Children: Collections from Nature: The Stuff of Childhood
Children: Learning Through Nature
Children: Family Night Ideas
Children: Homegrown Parenting
Children: Parenting Tips with Dr. Scott Turansky
Teens: Disconnected: Connecting with Teens in the Digital Age
Teens: Parenting Your Teenager
Teens: Fallout! Students Explain Why They Left or Stayed in the Church
Art Appreciation: You Call That Art?
Finances: Teaching Your Children Financial Stewardship
How-to Guide: Charlotte Mason Homeschooling
Home Economics: Home Ec: It’s Not Just for Girls Anymore
Language Arts: Book Lists for Families
Language Arts: ESL Language Arts
Language Arts: ESL Vocabulary
Language Arts: Help Me Teach My Student to Write
Language Arts: Learning to Write with the Charlotte Mason Method
Language Arts: Writing Mechanics
Learning Styles: Kinetic Connections
Learning Styles: Tips for Homeschooling Active Learners
Learning Styles: Your Child’s Learning Style
Math: Finally Conquer Fractions
Math: Hands-On Math Help with Cuisenaire Rods
Math: How to Teach Elementary Math
Math: Teach Kids Algebra
Special Needs: Special Families with Special Needs
Special Needs: Special Needs
Special Needs: Special Needs Trenches
Special Needs: You Can Homeschool Your Special Needs Child
Teens: College Choice Guidance
For more teaching helps, see our Focused Learning Centers.
We Love Our Lesson Designers
Since 2012, more than 200 lesson designers and writers have worked with SchoolhouseTeachers.com to create the content that makes up your membership. They are parents, active teachers, retired teachers, grandparents, authors, and homeschool graduates from diverse backgrounds, six countries, and four continents. They are dedicated men and women with a heart to teach, and it’s their commitment, dedication, and countless hours creating these classes that we would like to take a moment to honor here. We’d love for you to read more about them and connect with those who have shared social media links. Let them know how much you appreciate them! Your words may be the blessing they need today.

I'm finished with homeschooling but still remain a member because learning never ends. Now, I'm homeschooling my granddaughter.
My 4th grade daughter thoroughly enjoyed the People and Places of WWII. The history course was done in short, easy-to-understand lessons with plenty of activities to complement.
Daily Puzzler takes just a few minutes, stretches the brain, and is such a fun word teaser that we miss it when we don't get it done.
They have resources for all ages, and unexpectedly I found a wealth of resources for me as a mother, homeschool mom, and as a wife. Worth every penny!!
There are just so many wonderful advantages to becoming a SchoolhouseTeachers.com member. It truly has become our go-to site for homeschooling. My only complaint is that I didn't join sooner!
If you're looking for an all-in-one solution that offers an extensive array of lessons to choose from, then SchoolhouseTeachers.com is the answer you've been searching for at an unbeatable price!