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Worldviews March Lesson

Independent Thought in an Evolution-Soaked World (Part 2) Release of Darwin’s 1859 work On the Origin of Species had a tremendous impact on public discourse about science and faith. The discussion continues in full force to this day! There have been—and are—many who try to hold...

Worldviews February Lesson

Independent Thought in an Evolution-Soaked World (Part I) In the New Haven, Connecticut auditorium sat an audience of 2,200 people, mostly students and staff from prestigious area colleges such as Yale University. On the stage were major apologists—scholars whose careers were based on defending the faith....

January 20

William Maclure publishes America's 1st geology book. - 1809 What is geology? How many “ologies” can you list? (For example: zoology) After making your list, define what each of them are! Use a dictionary if you need to. Ology Page

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