Fun with Fairy Tales Homeschool Language Arts

Welcome to Our Fun with Fairy Tales Homeschool Language Arts Course

Does your student love fairy tales? With our Fun with Fairy Tales course, students in second through fourth grades explore concepts such as identifying parts of a story and figurative language through the world of fairy tales. Almost any stories can be used in this nine-week course that includes reading assignments, notebook pages, definition posters, and links to online resources.

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Fun with Fairy Tales

Length:  9 weeks
Content type: Text based
Grades: 2–4


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Getting Started with Our Fun with Fairy Tales Homeschool Language Arts Course

These bite-size Fun with Fairy Tales homeschool language arts lessons teach important concepts, such as identifying parts of a story and figurative language, through the world of fairy tales, making it a perfect introductory unit for younger elementary homeschool students. Almost any stories can be used for most of the homeschool language arts lessons, and links are provided to find many fairy tales online as well.


  • 9 weeks, 4 days a week
  • Includes reading assignments, notebook pages and definition posters, and links to online resources
  • Grades: 2–4

Supplies Needed

Corresponding lessons on; dictionary; (optional) corresponding resources on

What to Do

Go to Class Lessons and download the lesson plan, lesson file, and (optional) resource files. Start with the Day 1 reading assignment. Follow the instructions each day on the lesson plan and check them off when completed.


Course Sample for Our Fun with Fairy Tales Homeschool Language Arts Course

To view a full sample of this course, click here.

Week 1


  • Define a fairy tale.
  • Identify the characteristics of a fairy tale (characters, plot, and setting).

Supplies Needed:

  • Dictionary
  • Two to three short fairy tales (or one or two that you will reread each day to identify parts)


  • Notebooking pages
  • Definition posters

Day 1:

Using a dictionary, look up the words fairy tale, character, plot, and setting.


Print the definition posters and use as a reference.

Use the notebooking pages to define and understand these terms.


Course Outline for Our Fun with Fairy Tales Homeschool Language Arts Course

Nine Fun with Fairy Tales homeschool language arts lessons are divided into bite-size sections to teach homeschool elementary students about story structure and literary devices.

  • Week 1: Defining a Fairy Tale and Identifying Its Characteristics
  • Week 2: Identifying the Problem and Solution
  • Week 3: Identifying Differences and Similarities
  • Week 4: Identifying Fairy Tale Types
  • Week 5: Exploring How Illustrations Tell a Story
  • Week 6: Introducing Rhyme and Rhythm
  • Week 7: Introducing Simile and Metaphor
  • Week 8: Introducing Hyperbole and Onomatopoeia
  • Week 9: Introducing Personification and Alliteration


More About Our Fun with Fairy Tales Homeschool Language Arts Course

Each weekly Fun with Fairy Tales homeschool language arts  lesson is broken into four bite-sized pieces that can be spread throughout the week or completed in one sitting. Homeschool elementary students read numerous fairy tales and learn to identify problem, solution, rhyme, rhythm, figurative language, and more.


Quick Start

1.  Bookmark the course for easy access during instruction.

2. Click “View Lesson Plan” and organize as desired (on computer desktop or in a printed format). 

3.  Gather necessary resources as listed in the lesson plan.

4.  Click “Go to Class Lessons” and get started.

5.  Enjoy the course!

6.  Utilize Applecore or your own record keeping system throughout the course.

7.  Print a certificate of completion.

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