Welcome to Our Latin II Latin Homeschool Curriculum

What more could there be to learn about a “dead language” than what was included in Beginning Latin? Come find out! Latin II is a twenty-six week Latin homeschool curriculum that covers advanced topics, such as first, second, and third conjugations; adjective and noun declensions; irregular verbs; and more. This course is suitable for middle school and high school students who have taken Beginning Latin and includes the option of video or PowerPoint® Presentations with audio, as well as quizzes and answer keys.

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Latin II

Length: 26 weeks
Content type: Video or PowerPoint Presentation with Audio

Grades: 8–12


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Getting Started with Our Latin II Latin Homeschool Curriculum

Latin II is a full-year homeschool Latin homeschool curriculum designed to be taken by middle school and high school students who have taken Beginning Latin. Twenty-six Latin lessons are designed to introduce students to nouns, verbs, verb tenses, adjectives, and adverbs, as well as noun declensions. PowerPoints with audio, quizzes, and answer keys are included.


  • 26 weeks, 5 days a week
  • Includes a video or Powerpoint Presentation with audio option, quizzes, and answer keys
  • Grades: 9–12

Supplies Needed

Corresponding lessons on SchoolhouseTeachers.com

What to Do

Go to Class Lessons and download the lesson plan and files for the first lesson. Start with the Day 1 assignment. Follow the instructions each day on the lesson plan and check them off when completed.


More About Our Latin II Latin Homeschool Curriculum

Many sources say Latin is a dead language. While it is incredibly complex, it is prevalent in certain fields of science and around the world as the basis of many of the Romance languages. These Latin II lessons take the next step beyond Beginning Latin and cover verb conjugation, noun declensions, adjectives, and numbers. Each lesson is presented with the option of a video or PowerPoint Presentation. Only one option is needed to complete this Latin homeschool curriculum.


Course Outline for Our Latin II Latin Homeschool Curriculum

Twenty-six Latin II lessons teach advanced concepts of the Latin language. Each lesson is presented as a video of PowerPoint Presentation. Only one option is needed to complete this Latin homeschool curriculum.

  • Week 1: Introduction
  • Week 2: First Conjugation Vers
  • Week 3: First Conjugation Entire Present System
  • Week 4: Second Conjugation
  • Week 5: Irregular Verbs Sum and Possum Present Tense
  • Week 6: Perfect System First and Second Conjugation
  • Week 7: Review and Quiz
  • Week 8: Third Conjugation
  • Week 9: Fourth Conjugation
  • Week 10: Third and Fourth Present System
  • Week 11: Review and Quiz
  • Week 12: Third Conjugation Perfect System
  • Week 13: Fourth Conjugation Perfect System
  • Week 14: Third Conjugation IO Perfect System
  • Week 15: Question Words
  • Week 16: Review and Quiz
  • Week 17: First and Second Declension, Nouns, Review
  • Week 18: First and Second Declension, Adjectives
  • Week 19: Numbers
  • Week 20: More Adjective Work
  • Week 21: Review and Quiz
  • Week 22: Third Declension, Masculine and Feminine Nouns
  • Week 23: Third Declension, Neuter Nouns
  • Week 24: Third Declension and I Stem Nouns
  • Week 25: Fourth and Fifth Declensions
  • Week 26: Final Review


Transcript Information for Our Latin II Latin Homeschool Curriculum

This Latin homeschool curriculum may count as 1.0 foreign language credit if a homeschool student thoroughly completes all lessons, activities, and quizzes.


Quick Start

1.  Bookmark the course for easy access during instruction.

2. Click “View Lesson Plan” and organize as desired (on computer desktop or in a printed format). 

3.  Gather necessary resources as listed in the lesson plan.

4.  Click “Go to Class Lessons” and get started.

5.  Enjoy the course!

6.  Utilize Applecore or your own record keeping system throughout the course.

7.  Print a certificate of completion.

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